Working hard to provide a safer journey.

Here is our Ryde Coronavirus health and safety guidance for our Drivers & Passengers.

Given the concern about coronavirus (COVID-19), we are working and providing service in accordance with public health authorities to deliver a safer environment for both Driver & Passenger.

SAFETY IS OUR PRIORTY, the health and safety of everyone in our operations and community, we are closely monitoring COVID-19 developments and working to follow the guidance from our government for ours and your safety, We encourage the following recommendations:

* IF YOU HAVE A TEMPRETURE OR COUGH (38 C or 100.4 F or above), - Never work if you have new symptoms, such as a continuous cough or high temperature. If you have a mild illness, respiratory symptoms, or have a fever stay home and keep away from others. For customers it is best to Avoid Taking Public Transport and for our drivers its best advised to take time off work.

* FACE MASKS, we at RYDE would like to inform you that all passengers using taxi and private hire vehicles are recommended to wear face coverings. It is necessary requirement for all passengers to wear a face mask whilst travelling in any form of public transport, anyone not wearing a face mask can be refused service. Whilst taxi drivers are not specifically required to wear a face covering by legislation, in order to reduce risk and promote confidence in the taxi and private hire service, we at RYDE would also recommend that drivers wear a face covering, as a compulsory measure.

* COVER YOUR COUGH OR SNEEZE, always cough, or sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it safely straight away, cough or sneeze into your elbow if tissue is not available.

* WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY – Driver are advised to keep soap and water or sanitising gel (with at least 60% alcohol to disinfect your hands) in their taxi, it advised to this frequently and before and after a journey, especially after touching money, customers’ bags and belongings. Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds and thoroughly. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

* CLEANSING OF VEHICLES – drivers are advised to use disinfectant wipes on seatbelts and door handles between fares.

* VENTILATION – where possible, windows will be kept open to keep the air circulating.

* CARD PAYMENTS - We encourage our customers to pay with card via Contactless Apple/Google pay or Credit card without any contact with the driver. So that the driver is handling cash as rarely as possible.

* LUGGAGE AND SHOPPING – it is advised to let passengers handle their own bags and belongings whenever possible. If the driver must help with luggage or shopping it is strongly recommended to use gloves or hand sanitizer immediately.

* INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALS, if booking a service from an international point such as airport, seaport or train station, the customer is advised to provide all necessary information that could protect the driver from any risks. If the driver is collecting passengers from airports or train stations, it is worth checking the travel destinations of potential carriers to protect themselves from possible infection.

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